Neighborhood Events
We as a church take our services to the streets of Toledo, Ohio and surrounding areas. We believe in reaching out to our community and we provide events such as street rallies, tent crusades & conferences to do so. We have events all throughout the year so stay tuned for upcoming events on our Event Page for further details and locations.
We provide Spiritual Recovery Homes for individuals and some cases entire families. We also offer opportunities for these individuals upon completion of the recovery process (9 months to 1 year) to take the next step and start training as a counselor, mentor, home director, helper, overseer and one day pastor/ pastors wife of a city. Most of our church staff and leadership are made up of these same individuals that were once bound by drug addiction, alcohol, gang violence and prostitution and have been set free by the power of Jesus Christ. See our Training (Restoration) Leaders Page for more information about this process.
Our 2nd Annual Regional Mini
Conference 2016

Ministry Opportunities


Children's Chapel

We would like to take this time to thank Dre Hilton and Miami Power House Church for making it possible, for blessing the children that attended our Mini Conference with a great time & entertaining performance. Dre produces Children's Music and he is also a motivational speaker who is currently touring schools, churches, etc. To find out more about his music and entertainment or if you'd like Dre to come to a school or event near you just visit his web page and contact him DREHILTON.COM



New Years Eve Banquet